Application of polysaccharides in aquaculture: immunomodulatory effects and future perspectives


Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Faculty of Marine Sciences, University of Tarbiat Modares, Nor


Polysaccharides have been used in aquaculture for different purposes such as main constituents of the diet (starch), binders (fibers) and immunostimulants. Although new immunostimulants can be safer alternatives for antibiotics, there is still a lot to know about the fish immune system; by which understanding that exactly which mechanism of the immune system is responsible for protection against pathogens is still unknown. Polysaccharides are important biological molecules and are present in plants, animals, and microbes. Polysaccharides have been considered a broad spectrum immunostimulant since the 1960s. An in-depth study of immunostimulants indicates the increasing development of the use of polysaccharides in aquaculture. Polysaccharides stimulate growth, strengthen the immune system, and improve disease resistance. Ongoing research into the mechanism of action of polysaccharides in aquaculture will provide further scientific evidence for further standardization and effective use of this group in aquaculture. In this study, we will be focused on the role of polysaccharides as immune stimuli and prospects for their use in aquaculture.
