Study of some reproductive traits of Chicken Shrimp (Metapenaeus stebbingi Nobili, 1904) in Persian Gulf coastal waters


1 Department of Fisheris, Marine and Marine Sciences Faculty, Hormozgan University, Bandar Abbas

2 Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Karaj


This study was carried out to study the dynamics of the population of Shrimp (Metapenaeus stebbingi) in Persian Gulf waters (Hormozgan province). Sampling for 12 months was carried out from March 2014 to March 2015 with the method of trellis capping. A total of 546 shrimp were collected and morphometric and ovarian examination were measured. Sex ratio analysis results showed that in all cases (except in the month of September), ratios were not significantly 1:1 (P <0.05). The relationship between carapace length and total length and weight showed that the growth of both sexes in shrimp was alometric or heterogeneous. In the study of frequency and monthly changes, the mean carapace length, total length and weight indicated that a rising trend was observed from the late winter and beginning of spring until the end of May, followed by a downward trend in July. At reproduction time, a high percentage of female shrimp are found in coastal areas and gradually their presence in deeper waters decreases and, as a result, are more readily available for catching. The analysis of the range of ovarian examination stages showed that the oviposition peak for this species in the spring, and it should be noted that this species has continually spawned in almost all months of the year, as well as carapace length in 50% of puberty (Lm50 %) For female shrimp was 2.21 mm.
