Investigating the structure of the benthic communities in around the Hashilan wetland based on biological indices

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Aquatic Ecology, Faculty of Environment, University of Environment, Karaj

2 Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Karaj


The Hashilan Wetland is located on 36 km northwest of Kermanshah. Considering the existence numerous agricultural land around of the wetland, it seems necessary to evaluate and biomonitoring its. In this study, with the aim of the identified benthic organism, we sampling the margin of the wetland in four stations. According to the estimates, In accordance with the Helsinhof and EPT %  indicators, around water of the wetlands are heavily polluted and have poor biological conditions, so that the reduction diversity of species and abundance of oxygen-resistant species is clearly evident. Considering the increase in human and agricultural activities around the wetland and the lack of precipitation over the past few years, existing of the situation that cause of high pollution has not seemed distant from the mind. Obtain result of the sampling and laboratory assay were analysis by Excel and PAST software, and the assessment on the basis of biological indices and biodiversity. With the using a cluster analysis, the similarity between the stations studied was based on the presence of the Benthose and indicators used, which was confirmed Beside at laboratory studies. according to the data obtained in reducing the diversity Species and abundance of the presence of resistant species to oxygen deficiency were observed at this wetland. In general, Oligochaeta had the highest presence in the three stations, which included the Glosiphonidae and Tubeficidae in the first station, at the second and third stations, including Tubficidae families. At the fourth station, the dominant abundance of order Diptera has been Chironomidae families.
