Global Status of Marine fishes production in Cage Culture


Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute, Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Tehran


Aquaculture development is facing a lot of problems due to shortages of freshwater and land areas also traditional approach, which has led to the expansion of fish farms to marine waters. Cages went through several stages of development to become what it is today. Cage culture is a good Approach to develop aquaculture. Cage culture in Iran go through a phase of being stable, so private sector investment and entry into this field is due to lack of sufficient knowledge and experience have been experienced with many questions. This paper provides available information on the status of marine aquaculture around the world, Asia and Iran in regarding to the amount of production and various fish species as well as the general policies of the Iranian Fisheries Organization to promote this new industry. It has also been attempted to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of Iran's cages culture. The results of research show that Asia has the highest level of marine aquaculture production in the world, unlike other Asian countries, Iran's marine aquaculture has not developed much and its high potential in relation to spatial sites in the north and south of the country and also specialist workforce have been denied. Ultimately, it is recommended that by removing technical barriers such as site selection and suitable cage establishment locations, introducing new species, selecting the type of structure, production and breeding management, health care and processing, economy and market can be achieved to development of this innovative industry in the marine aquaculture.
