Tilapia Farming in Iran: Savior of Aquaculture or Destroyer of Environment

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Natural Recourses and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Shiraz University, Shiraz


Tilapia is a group of Cichlidae family fishes with more than seventy species, which nearly ten species are cultured worldwide. Nile, Blue and Mozambique Tilapia and Red Tilapia hybrids are the most commercially important species. In this paper, the benefits of Tilapia species aquaculture and the biological and ecological characteristics of species are discussed. It has also been attempted to highlight the impact of Tilapia aquaculture on natural ecosystems and indigenous species, on freshwater resources and the aquaculture industry in Iran, with examples from other countries. Recommendations have also been made to conduct environmental impact assessment studies before introduction of any tilapias as well as the appropriate species were purposed for Iran condition. The results of research show that with thoroughly study of aquatic ecosystems, it would be possible to select appreciate tilapia species with least niche overlapping and competition with indigenous species. Ultimately, it is recommended that the discussion on the development of Tilapia aquaculture should be discussed in the scientific community rather than in the media.
